Scaly skin is a condition of the skin, characterized by peeling, itching, a feeling of tightness, dullness, increased sensitivity and painful cracks. The causes of scaly skin can be very different. Some people have a skin type characterized by a natural lack of lipids. Scaly skin can occur in any part of the body, but the skin on the face, hands, legs and abdomen is most prone to dryness.
You may think that you will instantly know if a scaly skin problem suddenly appears because it will be seen how it peels off, but this is not the first of its signs or symptoms. Dry skin may first affect the deeper layers of the epidermis. This condition may begin to manifest from the inside, depending on the causes of dry skin. Often peeling becomes only one of the secondary symptoms.
A feeling of tightness is often a sign of dry skin. For example, you feel when you are trying to stretch your muscles, that your skin may tear. This sensation can also occur when you massage the skin, for example, it is spread around the forehead and cheeks, but it can also be felt around the abdomen, arms and even legs. You more sharply feel the friction of clothes, especially around the elbows, ankles and knees.

What Diseases Will Scaly Skin tells About ?

In some conditions when  temperature changes, dry skin is not uncommon.Dry skin often caused caused by an unhealthy lifestyle or improperly selected cosmetics. However, sometimes serious illness can be hidden behind this symptom.

   Eczema :

 As a rule, atopic dermatits  occurs in childhood,but there are times when the disease catches up in adulthood.


  •  Extremely dry skin
  •  Serve itching
  •  Inflamed areas of the skin
  •  Scaly rash
  •  Bubbles filled with a clear liquid on face,neck and under knees.

Contact Dermatits :

This is a skin reaction that occurs as a result of exposure to allergens upon contact, for example, with metals, cosmetics, dyes, plants and so on.


  •   Redness of affected area of skin
  •   Severe itching
  •   Formation of bubbles or blisters

Diabetes :

Scaly skin can signal diabetes. With an increased level of sugar in the blood, the patients body secretes excess urine and loses fluid. This means that the skin is also dehydrated, skins becomes scaly.


  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Poorly concentrated urine
  • Saggy skin
  • Dry mucus membrane
  • Dizziness
  • Intense thirst

Hypothyroidism :

The thyroid glands produces hormones that regulate energy metabolism.Thyroid hormones also affect digestion and the condition of skin and hair.


  • Extremely dry and pail skin
  • Affected areas of body
  • Dry and brittle hair

How to Treat Scaly Skin ?

A dermatologist is involved in the treatment of dermatitis. In addition to recommendations for lifestyle changes, therapeutic creams and ointments are prescribed. One of the goals of this type of therapy is to reduce skin itching, which can cause the development of inflammatory processes and prevent recovery. In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed.

Risk Factors:

The development of scaly skin is more characteristic of older and older people. This is due to a slowdown in metabolic processes and a natural decrease in sebum production. Dehydration is also characteristic of healthy skin in the autumn and winter months, when the natural level of air humidity decreases.  Scaly skin can also be the result of bad habits and lifestyle (for example, addiction to frequent hot baths can also cause dehydration of the skin).

The problem of scaly skin can occur at any age and at any time of the year.

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